Hall of the Abencerrajes
The incredible ceiling of the Hall of the Abencerrajes
There is a legend associated with this hall
The Abencerrajes were a famous family in the Moorish kingdom around the 15th century
It is said that one of them got caught climbing into the window of a lady of the royal family
The king then invited them all to a banquet and had them all slaughtered
A close up of the honeycomb stalactite ceiling
Another view of the ceiling, very pleasing to the eye
Columns on the wall opposite the entrance
We spent alot of time staring at this ceiling
The view of the roof from the outside
This is looking out the entrance towards the Court of the Lions
We have no pictures of the Court of the Lions because the Lions where gone
and in their place was this stupid ugly wood planking that can be seen here
But the archways and the walls are great, so here is a picture without the wood
One last look at the ceiling, there is another in the Hall of the Two Sisters across the way