Louvre Ancient Egypt Collection

The Louvre has one of the most impressive collections of Ancient Egyptian articles

Big Head, possibly Thoutmosis III but not fully identified

Just your standard piece of Ancient Egyptian writing

Sarcophagus box of Ramesses III
Dating from around 1550 BC,( late New Kingdom ) there are errors in the writings of this
coffin suggesting the monarchy was less respected during these times

A scene from the side of the Sarcophagus box of Ramesses III
I have no idea what this is, but it don't look good !

First they cut off your head then the snake spews poison down your headless body

Another example of the incredible detail put into the mummy caskets

A Fragment of the Book of the Dead on Papyrus
The afterlife which was expected by the Egyptians was written down in the Book of the Dead
The scroll would be left in the tomb to help the deceased make his way to the afterlife

Anothing fine example of the Book of the Dead

The ancient Egyptian version of barbie dolls

One of the big black granite type of Sarcophagus
Similar examples are in the Egyptian museum in Vienna
I cannot find a reference to this specific type but clearly it is distinctive

A side view showing the incredible depth of the coffin
Note the carvings of the God Horus, the falcon on the shoulders

This is the Great Sphinx of Tanis, circa 2600 BC
Sphinxes were often places at entrances of temples or palaces as protectors

A model depicting daily work from 2000 BC

A Fragment of the Book of the Dead on Papyrus
The afterlife which was expected by the Egyptians was written down in the Book of the Dead
The scroll would be left in the tomb to help the deceased make his way to the afterlife

A parital carving of a pharoah wearing the Hedjet crown
Also known of the White Crown it the crown of upper Eypyt

A striking image of a young woman's face

This fine piece is actually a Spoon, circa 1400-1300 BC

This statue is a standard style depicting the pharoah being protected by a God
The pharoah is the little person standing on top of crocodiles